
Docster is a static analysis tool that extracts Python docstrings from your code and inserts them into any Jinja2 template of your liking. Use this tool to automatically build documentation for your project.


This is an early release! Be prepared for a bunch of bugs, missing features and breaking changes.

Why Docster?

  • Static: Docster never imports your code, nor do any of your code's dependencies need to be installed

  • Pluggable: Docster just renders templates. Build content for whatever site generator you prefer.

  • Markup-agnostic: Build documentation in your preferred markup langague. Docster doesn't care if you use RST, Markdown, HTML or anything else.


Docster requires Python >= 3.8

pip install docster


$ docster --help
Usage: docster [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Extract docstrings from a python package and render them in a custom
template. Docstring extraction is performed statically, meaning that your
code is not being imported or run, so there is no need to worry about side
--install-completion Install completion for the current shell.
--show-completion Show completion for the current shell, to copy it or
customize the installation.
--help Show this message and exit.
local Extract docstrings from a local package and render a template...
remote Fetch a remote git repo, extract docstrings and render a template...

Working with local packages

$ docster local --help
Usage: docster local [OPTIONS] [DIRECTORY]
Extract docstrings from a local package and render a template
[DIRECTORY] path to the package [default: .]
-t, --template-file PATH path to a Jinja2 template [default:]
-o, --output PATH where to write the output to [default:
-m, --mode [file|directory|stdout]
Output mode, one of "file" | "directory" |
"stdout". For "file" and "stdout" the
template receives a Package object and is
written to "output" or echoed
standardoutput. For "directory", the
template receives one Module object per
module and is written to one file per
module, with the output directory structure
mimicking the package structure. Defaults to
"stdout" [default: stdout]
--help Show this message and exit.

Working with remote packages

$ docster remote --help
Usage: docster remote [OPTIONS] URI
Fetch a remote git repo, extract docstrings and render a template
URI a git uri from which to fetch a remote git repo [required]
-t, --template-file PATH path to a Jinja2 template [default:]
-o, --output PATH where to write the output to [default:
-p, --package-root PATH the relative path to the package root inside
the repo [default: src]
-m, --mode [file|directory|stdout]
Output mode, one of "file" | "directory" |
"stdout". For "file" and "stdout" the
template receives a Package object and is
written to "output" or echoed
standardoutput. For "directory", the
template receives one Module object per
module and is written to one file per
module, with the output directory structure
mimicking the package structure. Defaults to
"stdout" [default: stdout]
--help Show this message and exit.